Funny Student Council Tee Shirt Ideas

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Fun speech topics for kids of all ages

60 suggestions for humorous speeches

By: Susan Dugdale | Last modified: 04-24-2021

yellow smile icon

Below are60 light-hearted fun speech topic ideas arranged in groups of 15.

Either pick one or use them to kick start your own creativity.

Find your own fun speech topic from one of mine

Treat a topic suggestion as a prompt to think about yourself and the situations you've been in. Real stories from our own lives are often the most appealingly amusing of them all!

These don't have to be rollicking-fall-off-the-chair-roll-on-the-floor-cry-with-laughter events. An ordinary collection of foibles mixed with the silliness of everyday life is enough to make an audience smile - mostly because they recognize the truth and see elements of themselves in what you're sharing!

For instance, the first topic in my first group of fifteen is, 'How to procrastinate like a professional - ten top tips'.

How does that topic, procrastination, apply to you? Or to others close to you?

When a speech is due is that a cue to go for a run, a very long one, because we all know exercise is an important part of ensuring optimum brain function? When you come back you'll be full of bright ideas and get right into it.

Is it time to clean the fridge? Or chat to a long lost second cousin? Or party up large because the deadline is still a few days away?

Acknowledging and laughing in a kindly way at ourselves is funny. We're human. We all try to fool ourselves - some of us more than others.

Take the truths you find, add imagination, a little exaggeration for comedic effect, and write!

At the foot of the page you'll find links to help you craft your speech. Sadly, intentionally "funny" speeches rarely are, without effort!

15 fun speech topics

Image- drawing of a cat snuggled under a blanket. Text: how to tell if your cat needs counseling.

  1. How to procrastinate like a professional - ten top tips.
  2. My worst embarrassing experience.
  3. Five sure-to-impress excuses for not handing in your homework (getting to work on time, coming home on time...)
  4. How to tell if your cat (dog, goldfish...) needs counseling.
  5. How to successfully annoy your parents (co-workers, friends...)
  6. The top three strangest hobbies.
  7. The secrets your choice of hobby reveal.
  8. How to get others to do your work for you without them knowing.
  9. Five ways to test if your friends are really your friends.
  10. How to successfully and spectacularly fail your exams.
  11. My secret life as Mr Magic (Miss Universe...)
  12. How to be the favorite person of everybody.
  13. Why junk food is good for you.
  14. Why lying well can be useful.
  15. How to look intelligent.

15 more funny speech topics

Image: orange pumpkins. Text:how to psychologically prepare pumpkins for Halloween.

  1. The Christmas (birthday) presents I would really like to give my family.
  2. Five ways to say 'go away' to an annoying person without appearing rude.
  3. The silliest or dumbest accidents
  4. The oddest sports
  5. Vegetables have feeling too
  6. How to tell if a tomato is shy
  7. How to psychologically prepare pumpkins for Halloween or turkeys for Thanksgiving
  8. Teaching cabbages to talk
  9. Cruelty to broccoli
  10. Fashion tips for poodles - the latest revealed
  11. Is your dog (cat, goldfish...) intelligent? 10 IQ questions to find out.
  12. Paw readings for dogs. What do those canine's lines reveal? Madame Flo reports on her research.
  13. Teach your pet to talk. Easy step by step exercises to communicate fluently with any animal of your choice.
  14. How to use corporate jargon without embarrassment or ever revealing what you really mean
  15. The uses for a brick (eg. a weight, a weapon, or a car back stop. Anything other than its intended use.)

Another 15 fun speech topics

Retro image - lovers embracing in the moonlight. Text: how to prepare for a first kiss. What should a person know?

  1. How to know if your he-man loves you
  2. The funniest tee shirt sayings
  3. Crazy inventions
  4. The silliest advertising campaign
  5. How NOT to get a date
  6. How to prepare for your first kiss - what a person should know
  7. How to practice the art of getting others to pick up the tab for you - sponging with style
  8. What a choice of house reveals about its owner - match personality type to dwellings
  9. Famous failures
  10. The weirdest sounding words - what they really mean. How to use them in conversation.
  11. The top 10 words to impress. Examples.
  12. Being beautiful is over rated.
  13. The food I least like to eat and why
  14. They said it. Embarrassing speech blunders of famous people
  15. Mondays should be banned.

And yet another 15 fun speech topics

Image: women drying her hair.Text: Hairdressing fails. My worst bad hair day.

  1. The new national holiday is XXX (Decide and theme a day's activity around it. Example: Smile Day
  2. Hairdressing disasters - My worst bad hair day ever!
  3. Word replacements. From now on XXX word is forbidden for whatever reason you can think of. In its place we will say XXX and do it for the rest of your speech.
  4. A collection of the world's oddest records - the biggest teaspoon collection, the tiniest person...
  5. The rules of my household are...
  6. What really makes the world go round? The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about XXX (insert whatever you like)
  7. Words of great wisdom - Things I've learned - Never use an electric kettle to boil milk, etc
  8. How to look innocent. Guaranteed 100% success!
  9. When your mother says 'you look lovely, honey' what is she really trying to tell you? How to decode your parent's conversation
  10. The funniest things I've done or said without intending to be funny.
  11. The funniest sayings (expressions) I've heard and where they came from.
  12. The best trick that was played on me.
  13. Cute or funny things my pets have done.
  14. If they could talk, what would they be saying? Walls, chairs, desks, the fridge...
  15. The Beginners Guide to Texting - How to teach your Granny to text.

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